Simon Property Group's Secret To Winning New Deals With Past Tenants

Connection is everything. Resquared operates not only as a way to find data on local businesses but also as a way to stay in contact with them. Andrew Bell is a specialty leasing representative at Simon Property Group who recently landed a deal by reconnecting with a past tenant he found on Resquared. We talked with him about the secret to landing this deal and his experience using Resquared. 

Andrew’s Commercial Real Estate Story 

After beginning his education initially seeking to work in real estate development, Andrew quickly realized it was not what interested him. “It felt way too slow for me, I wanted to get deals done quickly”. 

In his last semester, he had to get an internship as a school requirement. Having worked for Publix in high school, he reached out to his old contacts to see if they were hiring for real estate jobs. He landed a coveted internship as a real estate strategy intern. From there, he applied and was hired at Simon, where he works today! 

“I really just love the people aspect of real estate and working with local businesses, I love that I’m expanding their brand and strategically setting them up for success by finding which locations work best for them”. 

Getting Started on Resquared

Andrew was introduced to Resquared when he started at Simon. By adopting Resquared, he hoped to save time prospecting and make it a more organized process. “Resquared has simplified my search and canvassing strategy, now I can search for more local businesses and really be informed when I’m doing the physical canvassing”. 

Closing a Local Deal



One of the properties Andrew manages, Miami International Mall, had an inline space that needed to be filled. It was a bakery space without a hood needed to cook, so he had to be very strategic in what business he placed in it.

He jumped into Resquared, looking into bakeries, donut shops, cookie shops, and even cinnamon roll stores. When scrolling through businesses, he saw a name that looked familiar — a past tenant whom he had worked with on a deal. He pulled their contact information and gave them a call. It turns out they sold their business but they got him in touch with the new owner. From there, he was able to sign a deal for the new space! 

“They just took possession last week and should be opening up some time in Mid-January, it’s very exciting!” By utilizing Resquared, Andrew could connect with a previous tenant whom he may not have ever thought to reach out to otherwise. 

Andrew’s Favorite Local Businesses

Originally from St. Petersburg, Florida but now established in Miami, Andrew has multiple recommendations for great local food! 

“If you’re in St. Pete., you have to check out The Lure.” It’s a pool hall but also has Asian fusion food as well. And if you’re in Miami, you have to check out either The Taco Stand or Kyu, both awesome places.” 

We love the creative ways our users are able to find value in Resquared. If you’re interested in learning how Resquared can enhance your prospecting process, book a demo below!

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