One hour of prospecting burns 50 calories and results in a 16.6% response rate

Joking about the calories - unless you have a treadmill desk of course! But the leads are very real - read on to learn how we helped accomplish this for our customers at PMAT




Following up is essential for success with prospecting local businesses. If you google “how many times do I need to follow-up to get a lead” you’ll see a host of different studies - some of them citing that you need to reach out to a business owner 8x to get to a deal. Our Co-Founder, Tyler Carlson, recently shared some thoughts on the psychology behind the follow-up on the blog, we recommend checking it out here

We are constantly stressing the importance of the follow-up to our clients and even offer “prospecting parties” as a way to demonstrate how to nail the follow-up in real time. 

A prospecting party is one of our included services that our customers can use for their teams! In short, your business provides us with your target customers and market and we get on a video call and prospect for you from your account. This process allows you to see firsthand how the latest best practices for digital prospecting work for your business.  

We recently had one of these virtual parties with our awesome customers over at PMAT and even we were blown away by the results! PMAT is a commercial real estate investment platform focused on value-add retail shopping center investments across the Southeast, Sunbelt, Midwest and Mid-Atlantic regions.

In under an hour of outreach in PMAT’s markets, we were able to get the following results:

  • 52 leads 
  • 6 Site Tours 
  • 1 LOI
  • New Uses Uncovered 
  • Cooking school 
  • Phlebotomy 
  • Dance school
  • My French Recipes cooking classes
  • Creative Soul Music
  • Follow up cadence nailed down
  • Email, Calls, Facebook Messages, etc.
  • Over 600 businesses contacted 
  • Over 100 responses in total 
  • 52 positive 
  • 48 not interested 


That’s a 16.6% response rate, with more than half of those responses being leads! In any way you calculate it, 52 leads from an hour of time invested is a stellar result. As we get more information on where these leads go we’ll be happy to share them here! If a virtual prospecting party sounds like something that would benefit your team, sign-up for a demo below to talk!


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