Demand Reports = NEW Void Analysis tool

I ran into one of the REsquad OG's Darren Moore from Trinity Commercial and he was sharing how he was able to use the new Demand Reports - to facilitate brainstorming for a void analysis. 

DALL·E 2023-03-23 10.39.52 - digital art of a map of a major city with a question mark on it

He talked about how he was not sure what was a good fit in the center he was representing. He started by thumbing through the entire REsquared Search Categories doc to generate some ideas. He thought about fitness being a good use. But, was not sure exactly what... 🤔 


He ran a demand report on the property to see - what are people searching for the most here? 


BOOM! One use jumped off the page with a glaring increase of search for his center...




He described how he would have not thought about something specific like Yoga without the demand reports nudging him that direction.


So next time you are not sure what is a good use - run a DEMAND REPORT and see what you are missing! 


3 Steps to Running a VOID Analysis Using Demand Reports:

1. Pull up your asset on REsquared platform - run the DEMAND REPORTS

2. Review the DEMAND REPORTS to see where 



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