Selling Local Episode 4: How to Network with Local Businesses & Find Your Niche

In the fourth episode of The Selling Local Podcast, Tyler speaks with Andi Graham, CEO at Big Sea. Andi and Big Sea provide growth strategy, content marketing, and website design for nonprofits, museums, cultural, research institutions, and the tech platforms that serve them. 

This episode was full of insightful points we'd like to highlight. Andi spoke about how participating in the local chamber of commerce events helped her build her local business book early, her rules around networking (including her own titled “Pacman Rule”), and her advice for finding a niche early in creating your business. 

Listen to the full episode on Apple Podcasts as well as other podcasting platforms!

Participating in the local economy

As a local marketing business owner, participating in free local Chamber of Commerce events can be a valuable way to build business relationships and promote your services. Attending these events lets you meet other business owners in the community and learn about their businesses. This can lead to new partnerships, collaborations, and potential clients. This is how Andi built her book up early with local business clients.

“When I started my agency back in 2005, it was all about how can I get my foot in the door with local businesses. I started doing a lot of free training at chamber events and with things like Keep St. Pete Local or organizations like that that have a meeting of minds of small business owners. I would run workshops like, “How to use social media?” or “How to build a website?” Little one-hour pieces of training. And that was really, really helpful. People would actually tell somebody about that session and how they should get in touch with me.”

How to network with local businesses

As a local marketing business owner, networking is an essential part of growing your business. To make the most of your networking opportunities, it's important to establish some rules for yourself. Andi’s rules are valuable for any business owner or anyone simply trying to step their networking game up! 

“My number one rule when you’re talking to people is you never stand in a circle. I call it the Pacman rule, you always want to leave an opening so that people can walk up and start a conversation. Another rule I have is to always come equipped with 5-10 questions. Questions about family, holidays, and even business are sure to open people up!”

How to find a niche for your small business

Finding your niche as a local marketing business owner is essential for standing out in a crowded market and attracting the right clients. It requires understanding your unique strengths, passions, and the specific needs of your target audience. Andi advises business owners to focus on one thing they’re really passionate about and become an expert on it. 

“Get your niche down as soon as possible and become an expert in one specific area. Find something you can be the best at in your specific industry and stick to it. Don’t try to be all things to all people, find specialists.” 

We hope you enjoyed the fourth episode of The Selling Local Podcast!


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