Filling a 2nd Generation Space in 3 Minutes With Resquared

A few minutes of targeted prospecting can turn into your next deal in as little as 3 minutes.

kroger garland


We spoke with Brian Landru, a Senior Leasing Representative from Regency Centers based in Dallas, Texas about his success with the Resquared platform. Shortly into the conversation, Brian mentioned that a recent deal with a threading studio done through Resquared took just 3 minutes to receive a response from the salon owner. Read on to learn how the deal went down, the search categories used, the subject line and exact email template he used, and how Resquared has helped make Brian’s prospecting more efficient.


What kind of space were you trying to lease?


In Garland, Texas we had a Kroger anchored shopping center that had an open space where the previous tenant was a threading business. Vacant since October 2021, we began using Resquared to fill it and within 3 days, we contacted 40 businesses and had a 60% open rate through the platform. We were very impressed as we had 3 immediate responses from business owners within the first 24 hours, one of which became the tenant, Hollywood Beauty. 


hollywood beauty 2


How did you decide what kind of business to fill the space with?

The previous tenant was a threading business, so we decided to backfill the space with the same use. It was left in great condition with minimal work to be done so it was an easy decision.


What search terms did you use in Resquared to find the new tenant?

Eyebrow, threading services, waxing, salon


What methods or channels did you use to contact them? Email? Social media? Phone call?

The first round was through email, she responded the same day and we got on a call the next day to discuss. Here are the copies of my first email and her response, you can see she responded within 3 minutes.


Initial email sent:


Brian’s email:


Subject: Former Salon Available For Lease - Garland


On Thu, Oct 7, 2021 at 10:19 AM 


My name is Brian Landru with Regency Centers and we are the owners of the Kroger Shopping Center on Shiloh & Campbell Rd. We have a former threading salon available. Do you have any plans to relocate or expand? I was reading about Hollywood Beauty Eyebrow Threading and thought you might be a good fit. Let me know and I can send you a flyer or set up a tour.

Thank you!

Brian Landru


Business response:


Sent: Thursday, October 7, 2021 10:22 AM

To: Landru, Brian

Subject: Re: Former Salon Available For Lease - Garland


Hi Brian,


Can you send me a flyer?






Was the business owner interested right away? 

Yes, the owner was interested right away, their family owns a number of locations and were already interested in expanding to another location. It’s the owner’s third Hollywood Beauty location but they own over 10 locations under different brands.


What was the timeline from the start of prospecting to getting the deal signed.

We were able to negotiate the LOI and lease within 35 days from initial contact.


Business feedback on the space? Why does it work for them?

The space fit their profile of what they were looking for, which was a 2nd generation threading studio. The new tenants thought it was an easy backfill as the space just needed paint and some minor upgrades and it was ready to go.


You can hear it right from Brian here:

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“I believe the Resquared platform is very good for our small shop users. The amount of canvassing you can do within a short amount of time is unmatched. I don’t know how else to email 50-100 businesses in 10 minutes. My deal with the threading studio took 3 minutes from my email to their response.”  - Brian Landru, Regency Centers


Second generation spaces have proven to be quick and easy wins for Resquared customers due to the platform’s ability to do quick, targeted searches within specific business categories. 


Brian and his team at Regency look forward to continuing using Resquared for prospecting and finding local businesses for their vacancies, helping them to connect with more people in their communities and create more opportunities for business owners.


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