3 Reasons Why Combining Digital & In-Person Prospecting is More Effective

In today’s digital world Resquared gives you the ability to save time and effort on administrative tasks before starting your in-person canvassing process. 


In the past year, as a global population we have become accustomed to bringing our lives into the digital sphere. With businesses reopening this summer, we are collectively navigating the so-called “new normal” and revisiting activities and routines in person once again. For some in the commercial real estate industry, this has meant the return of canvassing.

While we could never discount the value of meeting someone in person, we’re sharing the significant benefits of starting your canvassing process digitally. We’ve been hearing great feedback from our clients who start their search with Resquared. Here’s a few pointers our client service representatives have been hearing:


1. You can make sure you’re meeting with the right person

How frustrating is it to spend the time travelling to a business and then the person you’re looking for isn’t even there? The Resquared platform has the most up-to-date contact information available so that you know you’re working with the decision maker or owner. We recommend reaching out via email or through our integration with Facebook Messenger to establish the first touchpoint of your sales funnel. 


2. You can know their interest level in what you have to offer

Even when the right person is around, they usually have a good handle on whether their business is ready to expand or relocate – so wouldn’t you want to know this before you knock on their door? Establishing if a lead is warm is something that can be done online, and it takes under a minute to craft a personalized message to send to your prospect.


3. You can find similar businesses in the area you may not know existed

This one is huge! One of the most common things we hear from our clients is that they were able to find a business to fill a vacancy with a business they would not have considered without Resquared. When you begin a search in your desired location, you have the option to rank the businesses in your search by our proprietary tenant scoring system, the RE2 score. This score allows you to see which businesses are the most popular in the area – a pretty good indication they could be open to a move or expansion.


We recently heard from our client Joe at Hauck Holdings that this scenario worked out favorably for his team:

“I’ve reached out to a ton of restaurants and retailers, as luck may have it one of the first five restaurants I reached out to, we’ve gotten pretty far down the road with - I’m presenting an LOI to them, and they’ve already gone on a site tour. Without this program we would have never found them. He's unhappy with his small town landlord, and wants to move but can't find anything affordable, so when I presented what we have to him, things started moving forward. What was cool about that was, in our first conversation he asked, “hey man, how did you find me?” And I told him, “We just signed up for this really cool new leasing program that allows me to find certain types of businesses we’re looking to attract, yours came up and had a pretty good RE2 score, which is like an online reputation score, so I rolled the dice and made the call, and here we are.” He thought that was very very cool. He wouldn’t have been able to find us, and we wouldn’t have been able to find him. It’s a huge win for both of us.”

– Joe Leahy, Leasing, Hauck Holdings


By starting your search with Resquared, you not only save time researching and building lists, but you have access to great local businesses that you may never have thought of, leading to wins like Joe’s. 

There is still so much value in meeting a person face-to-face, but in today’s digital world Resquared gives you the ability to save time and effort on all the admin tasks leasing representatives spend so much energy on. 

If you’d like to learn more about how Resquared can make your prospecting process more efficient and help your team find more leads, we’d love to talk! Sign-up for a free product demo below! 

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