Company Culture: Why Resquared Hires Teachers

The tech industry has seen a great migration from professionals in other industries. Teaching is a perfect skill for the SaaS landscape as many users need clear and concise explanations in navigating the use of software. That’s why at Resquared, we take pride in hiring teachers. 

Teachers Transitions

As reported by General Assembly, 55% of teachers have considered leaving education to transition to something new. As exceptional communicators who know how to cover complex subject matter, teachers also bring strong critical thinking skills and refined leadership qualities 


At Resquared, we have two former teachers who help our clients learn the platform and understand prospecting best practices. 


Our Teachers 


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Tara Wasilewski and Lorna McDougall are Customer Success Managers at Resquared. Before they joined us, they were essential educators. We interviewed them to learn more about their perspectives on transferable teaching skills, what advice they would give for those looking to make the leap from Education to Tech and the most important advice they ever received about teaching.


Tara and Lorna Q&A 


What skills did you learn in teaching that help you in your current role?


Tara: I learned a lot about building strong relationships, how to prioritize projects and having patience. All of these things are extremely helpful (and necessary) in a customer success role. 


Lorna: Teaching is about empathy, patience and breaking apart large chunks of knowledge into manageable pieces. All of these skills help when I work with our clients and teach them how to use Resquared. 


What advice would you give to teachers looking to transition into a new industry, more specifically Saas? 


Tara: Be confident! You have a ton of marketable and transferable skills to offer! 


Lorna: Teaching skills are easily transferable to Customer Success. Rewrite your resume if necessary, to showcase your specific Customer Success skills and then connect with other Customer Success professionals on LinkedIn or Facebook. 


What’s the greatest piece of advice you ever received about learning/teaching? 


Tara: Everyone is unique, treat them that way.


Lorna: Everyday looks different. Be flexible and roll with the punches! 


Teachers & Resquared 


Resquared is proud to hire professionals from all job backgrounds, but we especially take pride in hiring lifelong teachers. Reach out to learn more about Resquared and how our outstanding Customer Success team can help you level up your prospecting today!

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