What does the Facebook+Insta Messenger Merger Mean for Retail Leasing?


Instagram messages and Facebook Messenger have merged!

Stated reason: 1 in 3 people sometimes find it difficult to remember where to find a certain conversation thread. 

According to the CEO of Instagram "With this update, it will be even easier to stay connected without thinking about what app you used to reach friends and family."

Many believe it is an attempt to make their platforms inseparable, as an antitrust lawsuit threatens a forced sell-off of Instagram and WhatsApp. It also creates one singular giant database. So it's a win win for Facebook.

But, what does that mean for Retail Leasing? 


4 Things it means for Retail Leasing...

1) If you are not using Facebook and Instagram to message potential retail tenants you are going to be lost in the dust. This is making it even easier to reach out to folks on Instagram and Facebook. 

Any guesses to how many messages are sent a day on Facebook's platforms? Keep reading for the answer!

2) Facebook Messenger will come out on top. This is less of a merger than it is Instagram messages getting taken over by Facebook Messenger. All of the rules, guidelines, spam filters, and bot prevention features built into Facebook Messenger will apply to Instagram messages. It is extremely important to understand these limitations if you are attempting to generate leads using social media. Read more on this here:

Facebook Messenger - The King of Local Retail Leasing

3) As long as a business has Facebook OR Instagram you can now go to the same place to reach them! We recommend making that place Facebook Messenger (see reason #2). 

4) Your social prospecting will be easier to track and follow up. Rather than having to flip between Instagram and facebook, it will be in the same place



That is how many messages are sent a day!


Main Takeaway - If you are using Facebook Messenger to prospect, it will now be easier to message businesses that are only on Instagram (which is very few). If you have primarily used Instagram DM's for prospecting, we recommend following all of the same guidelines required for Facebook Messenger or switching your focus completely to FB Messenger. 

If you'd like the Resquared team's advice on how to effectively use Facebook or Instagram for lead generation, book a time with us here: 

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