“Resquared Eliminates All of the Time Waste from Prospecting”: How WS Development Increased Efficiency with Resquared


This week, our team was lucky enough to connect with two of our clients based in Boston over at WS Development, Bobby Mendenhall and Jack Scribner. Bobby and Jack have been actively using Resquared’s Retail Leasing lead generation platform for the past few months and have already seen significant improvements to their workflows as Leasing Associates.


If you’re considering giving Resquared a try, check out their insight below!


Q: Tell me a little bit about the prospecting process pre-Resquared and some of the pain points your teams faced.


Bobby Mendenhall, Leasing Associate at WS Development


“Before using Resquared, we were identifying vacancies in our portfolio and understanding what kinds of categories we would like to see fill those spaces based on the existing tenants and the way retail is evolving. And while we had relationships with many of the larger local chains, Jack and I were tasked with finding the best local or regional businesses that may have 1-5 locations and are looking to grow.


I would take the time to go through Google and Yelp reviews to understand the best-in-class local operators. This included taking the time to look at the surrounding towns to see what businesses were there, and then plan a canvassing trip to try and make an introduction in person with these businesses. And while a face-to-face introduction can go a long way, you are limited because you can only make so many stops in one day.


With the addition of Resquared, I have really been able to streamline this process and understand very quickly which business owners are motivated and looking for new locations.”


Jack Scribner, Leasing Associate at WS Development


“Adding to that, before we used Resquared we heavily relied on Excel sheets to get our job done. We would spend a great deal of time searching for business’ information like phone numbers and email addresses and then collated them into the sheet.


As you can imagine, finding the information for 50-100 potential Mexican Restaurant tenants would take a while. So, I think one of the greatest parts of Resquared is that the whole “excel sheet” is basically there for you versus digging through the internet trying to find it. It’s not really the best use of our time to dig through Facebook to find a hair salon’s email address. Resquared eliminates all of the time waste from prospecting and has all of the information we need at our fingertips.”


Q: So, what are the most significant benefits you have seen from using the Resquared platform?


Jack Scribner, Leasing Associate at WS Development


“I really appreciate the versatility of Resquared’s platform and all of the different ways that you can contact local businesses. There’s email, phone, and Facebook Messenger which can all compliment in-person canvassing.”


Bobby Mendenhall, Leasing Associate at WS Development


“I love how you can identify how Resquared allows you to know how many times your emails have been opened. So, if someone hasn’t got back to you but they’ve opened your email 4 or 5 times, that could be a good indicator that it could be worth visiting their business in person.”


Q: Can you tell me about your experience onboarding Resquared?


Jack Scribner, Leasing Associate at WS Development


“I thought the onboarding process was great. The platform has been really easy to learn and the Resquared team has been very responsive. Last week I had some computer issues and I needed my login credentials and within 4 minutes of reaching out I had a call from one of the Resquared team members. Also shout-out to our customer service rep Ryan who did a great job getting us set-up.”




Q: How many businesses can you reach out to on Resquared versus off?


Bobby Mendenhall, Leasing Associate at WS Development


“Prior to Resquared, I would have about 2-4 meetings a week with potential tenants in person in Massachusetts. Now that I am using Resquared, I am easily getting 5 or more a day. I think it’s pretty telling being able to up my meeting capacity to 5 a day, and I’ve since shared these impressive stats with executives at the company and they were more than thrilled that this is working.”


“We’re all about efficiency, so if I don’t have to go out into the field and spend an entire day chasing down potential tenants and making introductions, I’d prefer not to. So, if I can send 50 emails in 5 minutes and make it seem like it's catered to that specific tenant, I’d much prefer to do that rather than spending 8-10 hours on the road.


Q: What would you say to someone who is skeptical about giving Resquared a try?


Bobby Mendenhall, Leasing Associate at WS Development


“I think Resquared is helpful to developers with as little as one or two retail storefronts as well as big REITs that want to get in front of smaller mom and pop shops. Odds are the latter knows a contact at Chipotle but probably doesn’t know the owners of the best local Mexican restaurant or a hair salon where 90% of the women in the town have been getting their hair done for years. Resquared can really work for businesses big, small, or anywhere in between and if you’re looking to get in front of local businesses this is definitely the best way to do it.”



Jack Scribner, Leasing Associate at WS Development


“Resquared is such a versatile platform that puts so many things that people in our industry dig for into one place. It’s been so helpful to be able to track our outreach and see what’s working. It’s made for a much faster prospecting process.” 



Looking to level up your prospecting game like Jack and Bobby? Request a demo below today! 

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